May 14: It's been too long... Too much school and work and changing career paths.. I am working on this instead of midterms which is awesome! Trying to figure out what new widget I can add to replace the Yesterweb ring.
January 23: I'm back from break!! Went to a concert last night. Back in classes which means I will start working on this site again instead of my homework.
December 21: Recieved a the comfy for christmas YESSSSSSS
December 20: I am now taking sumbissions of dog pictures to add to my dog shrine!! Email me a picture of your dog to my email "lovley.turquoise@gmail.com" and I will add it to my collection!
December 19: Finally I'm on winter break and finished winter quarter so I can work as much as possible on this. I just got back my calc final and I got a 46/50!!!! I am flexing this to every single person I know so deal with it. I had resolved to get a C in this class before I got the final back but now I'm finishing with a B+!!